University of Tennessee - Chattanooga Logo

Community Member of Concern Referral Form

Thank you for sharing your concerns for a community member at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. By sharing your concerns, you are helping to maintain UTC as a healthy and safe campus environment.

If you need to report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct; Policy on Sexual Harassment, 性侵犯, Dating and 家庭暴力, and Stalking (Title IX); Bias-related Incidents; Residence Life Handbook; and/or other University policies,请浏览:

If you need to report a Faculty/Staff discrimination incident,请浏览:

If you need to report an Honor Code (Academic integrity) violation,请浏览: = 1.

开始之前: If there is an immediate threat to self, 其他人, or property immediately contact the UTC警察局 at (423) 425-HELP/4357 or 911. Although referrals are reviewed on a regular basis, this form is NOT designed as an emergency response notification process.

For assistance or consultation while completing this referral related to a student, please contact Student Outreach & Support at (423) 425-CARE/2273; select option '1' for student related concerns.

For assistance or consultation while completing this referral related to a faculty or staff member, please contact Human Resources at (423) 425-CARE/2273; select option '2' for faculty/staff related concerns.


You may file this report anonymously or by providing your contact information below. Please consider providing your contact information, as we may have additional questions regarding your report. Please note that all individuals evaluating this report are mandatory reporters as described by the University's Title IX policy.

或者,你可以写 匿名
电子邮件地址 must be of a valid format.
This field is required.
If the concern relates to a student, select
This field is required.


Please list the individuals involved, including as many of the listed fields as you can provide. For individuals who are not affiliated with UTC, please provide a Drivers License number in the block labeled UTC ID # if available. If you have listed your information as the person submitting the report, you need to include your information below.


告诉我们你的情况r Concerns

Please check any and all behaviors or issues below that have led you to be concerned about the individual involved. If no boxes apply, please use the text box below to describe your concerns in detail:(必需)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
Have you referred the community member to any campus resources? Please check all that apply.
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
